Lync 2013 Detailed Design Calculator gets an update

One of the nicest tools for Planning Lync 2013 environments is the “Lync 2013 Detailed Design Calculator” made by Alessio Giombini.

The tool just got an update to version 4.0.1.

Among the new features in Version 4.0.1 and Version 4.0.0:

  • Bug fix: Inconsistencies in Office Web Apps / Office Online naming conventions + improvements on scripts descriptions
  • New features: see the Features section for a full overview of existing and new features
  • Bug fix: Several visual issues, optimizations.

Lync Detailed Design Calculator (DDC) is an offline, free, Excel-based, low-level design calculator for Microsoft Lync 2013 deployments. Fill in hostnames, IP and other design elements in the Global Data, Resource Data and Other Data sheets, and it will calculate DNS records, certificate names, firewall rules and various other scripts to help speed-up your deployment.

Lync DDC is a continuously evolving project and you should expect frequent updates with new features added over time.

Any bug report, requests for improvements or new features, suggestions, criticism etc. are greatly appreciated.
